Type your coursework in Times New Roman 12-point font as a Word file. Pdf files

April 9, 2024

Type your coursework in Times New Roman 12-point font as a Word file. Pdf files or any other file type are not acceptable.
• The word limit is 3,000 words. (Excluding footnotes and bibliography, so your work total should be between 2900 and 3000 words. Word count must be stated. Coursework which fails to state the word count or states the word count incorrectly will be penalised by the deduction of 2%. Text above 10% of the word count will not be graded.
• please answer both questions and each answer should be between 1,450 and 1,500 words Do not repeat or reword the question in your answer.
• A full Bibliography must be included at the end of each question, in which all cases, statutes, and all source material, including websites, must be fully and correctly cited. Statute, cases and quotations must be attributed and included in footnotes, which should contain correct citations only and not text. Your coursework must be referenced following the OSCOLA referencing style.
please could you use UK case laws as references
an example of this would be Taylor V cladwell
and donoghue V stevnson

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