Assignment and goals: In this assignment you will write a short (~ 1,000 words)

April 9, 2024

Assignment and goals: In this assignment you will write a short (~ 1,000 words) essay integrating knowledge gained in the readings on mental health, migration, and gender equality.
Through your essay, you will demonstrate your analytical skills by drawing on the readings as well as other literature and/or websites. There is no right answer. You will need to present one or more thesis statements and make a case for your position using examples from the readings.
These are not ‘opinion pieces.’ They are also not simple reiterations of the papers, but rather critical assessments and analyses of the topics presented. The audience is the professor, so please write appropriately. This includes avoiding statements that seek to define basic terms or technical content already covered in the lectures. Also, avoid sweeping statements such as ‘The internet has changed our lives.’ To avoid such statements, ask yourself if your writing reflects the knowledge you have acquired to date in your major/minor or is something you could have written prior to your IST coursework. Also, being a relatively short paper, you have to make the most of every word!
Each paper should include citations to the relevant readings as well as one additional article from outside those assigned (assigned docs are attached). In-text citations and references in your bibliography should use a format of your choice (e.g., MLA, APA), include URLs in your list of references, and do not include references in your word count.
Through this assignment you will demonstrate your ability to conduct an international analysis, connecting concepts across the readings, developing skills in synthesis, making comparisons across social issues and across nations. You will also practice critical thinking, by reflecting, through your own words, an understanding of the biases various authors/organizations bring to the subject. Finally, through your essay you will demonstrate an understanding of the current role of IT in social issues in various countries, whether contributing to social issues, playing a role in ameliorating them, or both. Please be sure to identify which prompt you chose at the top of the document.
Write a response to one of the following two essay prompts (choose one of the following):
1) Across our three social issues – mental health, migration, and gender equality – we have seen how Information and Communication technologies’ (ICTs) effects, both positive and negative, are moderated by specific national social, cultural, and political contexts (you must name countries – not regions). For each social issue, discuss a specific country’s impact on the issue and the role of ICTs.
2) Compare and contrast two social issues, analyzing their relationship with both a specific national context and ICTs (you must name countries – not regions). How are the social issues similar and different? How do these similarities and differences interact with technology use? What role does national context play in both the social issue and technology use? What role do sub-national (local community, rural versus urban) contexts play?
I have attached required files. Please use all of them for reference as well as an additional refernce of your choosing, as stated by the assignment. Additionally, you can use these youtube videos for reference if needed.

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