Paper: The Responsibilities of the University**  In this paper, you will make an

April 9, 2024

Paper: The Responsibilities of the University** 
In this paper, you will make an argument about the responsibilities of a Toronto
University in the areas of gender and/or sexuality. You will use
social scientific inquiry to define the issue you are addressing and to make a
specific case about the responsibilities of the institution, drawing on three of the
assigned readings for this course to support your argument. The paper should be
roughly 4-5 pages, or 1,000 words. 
In this paper you will reflect on an incident in your life that provides insights
into the responsibilities of the university in the realm of gender and/or sexuality.
You might choose to reflect on a conversation with a member of your social
circle, an interaction on-campus or off-campus, a moment in one of your courses,
something you observed during a walk down the halls, or at a social event with
people from campus. The assignment asks you to document the moment and
critically reflect on it to deepen your sense of the responsibilities of the university
in a specific realm, whether at the level of the institution as a whole, a specific
undergraduate program or major, instructors, staff, student groups and/or
individual students. You will explore the ways this event was socially constructed
and framed by power relations, applying concepts from this course and the
required reading. This paper should be written in the form of an essay, making an
argument and supporting it with empirical data (including your own experience)
and analysis.
● Documentation: Describe in some detail a discrete incident from your life
which raised an issue about the responsibilities of the university in the realm
of gender and/or sexuality. Use empirical data to let a reader know what
actually happened as objectively as possible, with minimal interpretation at
this stage. You may protect the anonymity of other participants by using
pseudonyms for individuals or institutions/corporations, and you should
explain that you have done so in a footnote. The documentation should
provide a record of the specific incident you will analyze here. Be sure to
choose an incident you feel ready to share in this context.
● Examination: You should then examine the incident, stepping back and
asking questions so you can apply concepts from the course to explain
sociologically what happened and why. Your analysis of this experience must
include references to at least two course readings from D2L as well as at
least one reference to materials on the uni  website to deepen your
reflection, taking it beyond your immediate experience and personal
interpretation into the realm of methodical sociological inquiry. Use the school’s
website to identify a relevant policy framework or a person or office
responsible for dealing with the issues you raise.
● Articulation of Learning: Identify and describe a discovery you made
through completing this self-assessment and processing the results in
subsequent activities
readings to be refrenced – 
All Power to All People?: Black LGBTTI2QQ Activism, Remembrance, and Archiving in Toronto 
Syrus Marcus Ware
Imagining Otherwise: Transgender and Queer Youth of Color Who Contest Standardized Futures in Secondary Schools 
Bess Collins Van Asselt
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color
Kimberle Crenshaw
Stanford Law Review, Vol. 43, No. 6 (Jul., 1991), pp. 1241-1299 (59 pages)
for more insights- i am a black, african student at university that has encountered racism by professors, and students 

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