Answer the following two prompts in a short paragraph for each.  1.  All terrori

April 8, 2024

Answer the following two prompts in a short paragraph for each. 
1.  All terrorist acts are crimes but not all crimes can be classified as “terrorism”.  
What makes a crime a “terrorist act” and thus classified as “terrorism” legally?
Find and give the legal definition of “terrorism”.  
Go to Youtube (or any other free online video playing site) and find a news media clip of a act of “domestic terrorism” in the USA and post the link. 
2.  Play this video located at: Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases  – 
Give the definition of habeas corpus under USA law.  
Do alleged terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay have this right?   Why/why not?  
Does it matter if they are US Citizens or not?    
Using Microsoft Word, save the document with a filename that includes the assignment title, your first initial, and last name. Submit the assignment by attaching the file to the drop box.

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