This is the full topic for my essay:  “Sentencing can be terrifying, because it’

April 8, 2024

This is the full topic for my essay: 
“Sentencing can be terrifying, because it’s a
very subjective exercise – there are all these objective parameters put in
place, but in the end it’s down to what one person thinks about another.” DISCUSS whether this is an accurate description
of what judges do when they sentence offenders in criminal cases.
Do not write introduction and summary, I just need two sections regarding to issues, and disscussion about it. In the following format:
Section 1: Issue 1
Brief intro
Argument for the statement
Argument against
Argument for (rebuttal)
Section 2: Issue 2
Brief intro
Argument for the statement 
Argument against
Argument for (rebuttal)
The Objective in writing the essay
All the topics above require you to write an “argumentative essay”. That means the essay topic presents you with a question that you are asked to answer based on the readings covered in class that relate to this topic.  
This is not a research essay. 
It does not require you to go beyond the material on this subject covered in class and on Moodle. The objective in the essay is for you to demonstrate that: 
you have understood the material on this subject we have covered in class, including the methods and results of empirical studies
you understand where scholars agree and where they disagree on this subject, and how ideas about this topic have developed
based on this understanding, you can form an opinion about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the expert writings and arguments on this topic
All the topics above require you to write an “argumentative essay”. That means the essay topic presents you with a question that you are asked to answer based on the readings covered in class that relate to this topic.  
If you want to include additional material that is fine but remember:
It is not necessary to go beyond the course readings.
You must cover the material in the course readings related to this topic even if you include additional material.
You will not get extra points for using additional material and you will lose points for not including all the relevant material from the course.
Therefore, utilise materials that I attach from the course!!! So analyse material attached, it is legal essay, so analysis of acts, cases is crucial. You can think about doing the whole section about 
Do not put that into Turnitin, please. 
You are free to find addtional sources related to issues covered by my course. 
For references, use OSCOLA – I attach the guidance 

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