Instructions In order to respond to the practical cases, you are required to pro

April 6, 2024

In order to respond to the practical cases, you are required to provide an argumentation that includes legal provisions and relevant case law. All the legal provisions and relevant cases are provided in the required textbook and on Brightspace. No additional research is expected to complete the practical cases. However, you must clearly identify the legal basis at each step of your reasoning in the footnotes of your response. 
To cite a provision from an agreement, provide the full title of the agreement (in italics) and the article of the provision (e.g., General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Article XX); and 
To cite case law, provide the instance issuing the report, the name of the case (in italics), the date of the adoption of the report, the number of the document, and the paragraph(s) of the report that is (are) relevant for your analysis (e.g., Appellate Body Report, China–Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, Adopted 22 February 2012, WT/DS394,395,398/AB/R, para 329).
Each response must include a maximum of 2,500 words (excluding footnotes) and must be uploaded as a Word document (.docx) on Brightspace. While you can discuss the practical case with your colleagues, each student must write and submit their own response (see “Plagiarism” below).
The response to each practical case will be graded according to the following criteria: 1) accuracy of the analysis; 2) adequacy of references to legal provisions and case law; 3) structure of the argumentation; 4) depth of the analysis; and 5) capacity for synthesis.

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