Your short essay should be ~2-3 short paragraphs, 300-500 words, I will check! T

April 6, 2024

Your short essay should be ~2-3 short paragraphs, 300-500 words, I will check!
They should discuss the ways in which the two works relate and how they are different. This may include formal analysis or contextual analysis (a discussion of the historical/social/political moment in which it was made or exhibited). This is not a list of similarities and/or differences! Your responses must have a thesis statement and use visual evidence. After you’ve provided the necessary formal analysis for your discussion, move on to the analysis and what these comparisons or contrasting material mean – what is the bigger picture here?’
The short essay is worth 50 points (50 for essay + 3 points each for correct identification for a total of 56 points in this section).
+ correctly identifies the artistic movements/styles/schools for each work (3 points each for a total of 6 points) – before the essay please identify both styles + has an argument/thesis statement in the intro paragraph
+ uses similarities and differences between the two works as evidence for the thesis statement that addresses a larger question (a “so what” question) about the two works – why are these two works chosen for the comparisons? what about the discussion of the two works together tells us something important?
+ uses complete sentences and well formulated paragraphs to guide the reader through the argument, the essay does not read as a list of attributes of either painting

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