Describe a piece of popular culture in great detail. This assignment requires yo

April 6, 2024

Describe a piece of popular culture in great detail. This assignment requires you to choose a current form of popular culture which you believe expresses cultural knowledge about gender relations and sexuality in American society today. Examples can include advertisements, songs, music videos, or a specific scene from a television program, movie, or other performance. Other examples include YouTube clips, fashion statements, new forms of leisure, happenings in Hollywood, toys, appliances, among many other possibilities.  The list is inexhaustible, but whatever you choose, it should be of interest to you, relevant to the class, and exciting to talk about. (Ask me anytime to approve your choice if you are confused). Provide a “thick description” of this example of pop culture. This should be ¾ to a page of double-spaced writing so that I can really get the feel of what you are describing. Please also include either a photo, or a link to the pop culture example you have chosen if applicable. If it is a song or a poem, then provide the lyrics. (worth 10 points)

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