Discussion board postings: The discussion board online is a tool that provides s

April 5, 2024

Discussion board postings: The discussion board online is a tool that provides students with an opportunity to participate as if they were in class.  In this course, we use it that way but also to ensure students are grasping the information.  Students are required to post on the discussion board once per week for the first 10 weeks.  Each post will cover a reading or chapter information related to the weekly reading assignments.  We refer to these posts as reading or chapter “responses.” (See rubric handout)
A).  Each reading response should be at least 250 words.  B).  It should address at least two readings and part of the chapter in a substantive way which includes engaging with the author’s ideas and theories. Therefore, you must quote the author.  10 pts
C).  Identify two concepts related to MWGS and define them in your own words.   10 pts
Perhaps you disagree with the author’s position, then you are required to articulate the reasons why you disagree using chapter evidence and/or use examples from other readings that support your position.  Perhaps you agree or see similarities with other readings, then you must explain why you agree, discuss those similarities, as well as what distinguishes one author from the other.  You may also include personal experiences to support your position. This does not mean that when we address social facts students can dismiss a theory based on anecdotal exceptions.  It means you must use critical thinking to understand the points made by the scholars you are reading.  Some students have difficulty formulating their own opinions about the readings simply because the ideas are new to them.  If you have this difficulty, please let me know.  FYI—At this bolded point this paragraph is 250 words long. Students will be awarded a maximum of 10 points for each of 10 responses during the first 10 weeks for a total of 200 points toward their final grade.  Students will post their responses to the weekly discussion board each week.  Posts are due no later than Sunday nights by 11:55 pm.

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