Exam Objectives & Directions The purpose of this exam is to demonstrate what you

April 5, 2024

Exam Objectives & Directions
The purpose of this exam is to demonstrate what you have learned in Introduction to Gender Studies. This exam requires you to show your knowledge of required course readings and other materials. Do not use any external sources, including dictionaries, the internet, information from other courses, and so forth – doing so will result in failure of the question. I expect you to respond in your own words – do not use direct quotes from required readings, instructor notes, etc.  
Your answers must be written in 12pt font – double spaced. Use full sentences, no point form. Avoid plagiarism. Do not use AI. You will include in-text citations in MLA format including page number – for example (hooks, 17). Use the library resources if you are not familiar with MLA https://www.library.mun.ca/researchtools/guides/citations/mla/).
Part One: Short Answer – 15 points – 3 x 5 points each
In this section you will answer three of the following questions. Each answer will be 250 words (approximately). You will draw on course readings to support your answers. Each answer must use a different course reading. For example, if you draw on bell hooks in your answer for one question you cannot use bell hooks to answer any other question. Make sure you include the question that you are answering at the beginning of your response. At the end of your answer identify the reading/s that you are referencing in your answer. You must include in-text citations, but you do not need to include a works cited list.
Define the concept of intersectionality. And explain what Kimberlé Crenshaw meant when she said, “We simply do not have the luxury of building social movements that are not intersectional…” Refer to one more required reading from your textbook to support your discussion.
Drawing upon Snapshots & Soundwaves 17 and at least one more required reading from your textbook, explain the concept of heteronormativity and give an example.
Using insights from Lois Gould’s fictional story “X: A Fabulous Child’s Story” and one more required reading from your textbook, explain the idea that gender is a social construct. Give an example.
Referencing at least two required readings from your textbook, discuss how violence against Indigenous women in Canada is rooted in colonialism.
Using insights from Paula C. Pinto’s essay “Women, Disability, and the Right to Health,” explain the “social model” of disability. Reference one more required reading from your textbook or video to support your discussion.
Part Two: Essay Question – 15 points
In this section you will write an essay to answer one of the following questions. Your essay will be 750-1000 words. Your answer will reference course materials. Make sure you include the question that you are answering at the beginning of your response. At the end of your answer identify the reading/s that you are referencing in your answer. You must include in-text citations, but you do not need to include a works cited list.
According to Victoria L. Bromley, “feminism at its core includes both theory and practice to end sexism and other forms of oppression” and “is rooted in social justice, and demands social change” (21). Using Bromley’s discussion and at least two required readings from your textbook, answer the following question: what has feminism done lately?
This is in chapter 2 of textbook added to files
According to Raewyn Connell, “we ‘do gender’ in everyday life” (191). Drawing upon Connell and at least two more references from your course material (required textbook readings, videos, etc.), explain what it means to “do gender.” Give an example to support your claim. 
This is also in textbook provided
I have uploaded a copy of the textbook with information and i was also add links to the other videos needed to complete this assignment.
Only need to pick 3/5 of the short answer questions and 1/2 of the essay questions!
Other sources needed: 
– The urgency of intersectionality by Kimberle Crenshaw :

-Snapshots and soundwaves:
Chapter 19 in textbook
-Pauls C Pinto’s essay is in the textbook:
Read chapter 48: Paula C Pinto, Women, Disability, and the Right to Health. In this chapter Pinto argues that “women with disabilities are an understudied and underserved group.” She says that there are four main topics of concern for women with disabilities that require further research and attention:
access to health care and wellness,
sexual and reproductive rights,
gender-based violence, and

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