The major is sports administrations  Table of Contents & Industry Overview 5 pos

April 5, 2024

The major is sports administrations 
Table of Contents & Industry Overview
5 possible points (5%)
Exceeds Expectations
Presentation has a clear TOC and well-defined introduction that clearly identifies industry segment and provides developed and comprehensive overview of industry segment
Meets Expectations
Presentation has a TOC, identifies industry segment and overview of industry is present, but lacks clarity
Does Not Meet Expectations
Presentation does not have a TOC or is unclear. Introduction lacks clarity identify industry segment and/or industry segment overview lacks clarity and depth or is not present
Exceeds Expectations
Consists of a strong conclusion or summary of industry segment
Meets Expectations
Conclusion is included but lacks direct focus
Does Not Meet Expectations
Conclusion was lacking or missing relevant content
Exceeds Expectations
Presentation is visually pleasing to viewer. Content is laid out in an organized manner and is easy to follow. Presentation strongly demonstrates creativity and originality. All cameras are on during the entirety of presentation video
Meets Expectations
Presentation is visually pleasing to viewer. Content is laid out in an organized manner and is easy to follow, but only demonstrates mild creativity and originality and/or not all cameras are on during the entirety of presentation video
Does Not Meet Expectations
Presentation is poorly laid out and is not organized. Presentation is difficult to follow and lacks creativity and originality and/or not all cameras are on during the entirety of presentation video
Exceeds Expectations
Presentation shows precision and accuracy through appropriate word choices, correct formatting and grammatically correct sentences. Presentation is free of all errors
Meets Expectations
Minor grammatical errors or minor errors in punctuation exist (1-3)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Major grammatical and punctuation errors (4+)
Exceeds Expectations
References utilized are in APA format and there are no errors on reference page or with the in-text citations
Meets Expectations
References utilized have minor (1-3) errors within either the reference page or in-text citations
Does Not Meet Expectations
References utilized have major (4+) errors within either the reference page or in-text citations
Exceeds Expectations
Presentation clearly identifies and explains historical, governance, management, legal, marketing and/or financial aspects of industry segment
Meets Expectations
Presentation identifies and explains some historical, governance, management, legal, marketing and/or financial aspects but is missing key milestones and/or explanations are lacking detail
Does Not Meet Expectations
Presentation does not clearly identify the historical, governance, management, legal, marketing and/or financial aspects
Exceeds Expectations
Presentation clearly and definitively discusses at least two industry issues and applications to career
Meets Expectations
Presentation discusses at least two industry issues and/or applications to career, but is brief or vague
Does Not Meet Expectations
Presentation does not discuss at least two industry issues and/or applications to career are severely lacking or not addressed
(Not sure how many slides it will need but let me know)

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