. Review Learning Resource 4 in the Week 4 Learning Resources module. Summarize

April 5, 2024

. Review Learning Resource 4 in the Week 4 Learning Resources module. Summarize what Sir Ken Robinson says is limiting public education in the US. Then, review Learning Resource 5 and review what the top educational systems in the world are doing. What practices could the United States adopt in order to improve its standing in the world?
Note: As an alternative route to access the articles: you can also see the learning resource week 4 mentioned above directly in the week 4 content>learning resources, item no. 4: Sir Ken Robinson TED interview 2018, and Learning Resource 5 also under the week 4 learning resources, item 3. Finland’s Revolutionary Educational System. 
2. Scholarly articles can be challenging to read. They contain high level language and scientific terminology. They include sections on statistics and include complicated graphs and tables that may not make any sense to you. To get some practice in wading through a scholarly article, select Learning Resource 6 or Learning Resource 7 and provide a response to the following items:
Note: you can also access the abovementioned articles directly under Content week 4>Learning Resources>items 6 and 7(Integrating Father Involvement by Pleck & Exposure to Marital Conflict by Hosokawa & Katsura)
a) Which article did you select?
b) Provide a brief summary of what the article is about and include the main finding(s) of the article. Your summary should not be more than 1-3 paragraphs in length. The goal is to see whether you understood the gist of the article. I’m not concerned that your summary is detailed. I just want to see if you understood the main takeaways. (And, it’s okay if you didn’t, but give it your best shot!)

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