Scenario Joan Jackson, the CEO of Venus Widgets, has asked you, the HR Manager,

April 5, 2024

Joan Jackson, the CEO of Venus Widgets, has asked you, the HR Manager, to participate in a research project about expanding globally. She values your knowledge of HR law, global hiring practices, and the role HR can play in mergers and acquisitions. The CEO needs you to research mergers and acquisitions as methods of growth for Venus Widgets and report your findings using the criteria below. Your report will play a role in her decision. 
The CEO has tasked you with researching and presenting information that she can use to help make this important decision. You will write a paper covering the following areas:
Discuss the benefits and risks of merging with another company or an acquisition that would allow Venus Widgets to expand globally.
Discuss the different strategies that would need to be implemented in order to have a smooth merger.
Discuss the strategies that would need to be implemented if the CEO and Board were to choose an acquisition instead of a merger. Would they be the same or different from the merger strategies? Why or why not?
Discuss how a merger or acquisition would help the company expand its business so that the CEO may convince the board of directors.
Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages, using proper APA formatting and including at least 3 credible sources cited in your paper through in-text citations. Include an APA formatted title page and reference page. Your paper should also be free of grammatical errors.
Suggested library databases to research these topics include Business Source Complete via EBSCO and Business via ProQuest for articles, and O’Reilly Safari and eBooks via EBSCO for eBooks.
*A note about credible sources: Credible sources are reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. These sources are written by authors respected in their fields of study. You want to identify sources where the author of the article is listed, if they’ve referenced other information, the sources should be cited so that you can check for the accuracy of and support what they have written. Wikipedia is not considered a credible source.
the above direction are from the professor. in the assignment you are to discuss the similarities and differences between Merger and Acquisition. discuss the different action or strategies that will have to take place whether they choose the merger or Acquisition. 
Please remember it is more than just 2 companies coming together and becoming one. talk about what    the things that can make an M&A complicated such as law, politics, location and infrastructure. what          strategies can you suggest to overcome the issues and so the M&A is successful. 
I am also attaching some links from google that can help with writing the paper. the links are not credible sources 
Acquisition vs. Merger: Key Differences Between the Two |

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