Answer the following question: In White v White [2000] 3 FCR 555, Lord Nicholls

April 4, 2024

Answer the following question: In White v White [2000] 3 FCR 555, Lord Nicholls held, that: “In seeking to achieve a fair outcome, there is no place for discrimination between husband and wife and their respective roles. Whatever the division of labour chosen by the husband and wife, or forced upon them by circumstances, fairness requires that this should not prejudice or advantage either party when considering paragraph (f), relating to the parties` contributions. f, in their different spheres, each contributed equally to the family, then in principle it matters not which of them earned the money and built up the assets. There should be no bias in favour of the money-earner and against the home-maker and the child-carer.” With reference to this statement critically analyse the significance of the principle of ‘equal sharing’ and its impact in the exercise of judicial discretion in granting financial remedies following divorce.

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