Requirements & expectations: Responses must be in your words (even definitions)

April 4, 2024

Requirements & expectations:
Responses must be in your words (even definitions)
Length: Suggested lengths are listed in italics after each question.
Citations are expected If you do use outside sources. You can use any citation format you are comfortable with.  
The following graph shows the average life expectancy among US residents, by race and ethnicity. Life expectancy means that a baby born in 2007 (dark blue bar) or 2017 (lighter blue bar) is expected to live, on average, the amount of years shown. For example, looking at all races in the United States, a baby born in 2007 would be expected to live on average 78.1 years, and 78.6 years if born in 2017. The graph shows how overtime, we’ve seen a slight increase in life expectancy between 2007 and 2017. However, the average life expectancy among all races is a few years lower than other comparable countries (comparing the 2 sections on the right). Looking at specific racial groups, there is a stark difference and health disparity between life expectancy among Black non-Hispanic Americans compared to both White, non-Hispanic and Hispanic Americans. 
Questions: There are many factors that contribute to health and health inequalities. Recall the Week 7 lectures (Chapters 13 and 14) to review social, political and economic determinants of health. 
Explain how two social determinants of health play a contributing role to in the health inequalities observed by the different average life expectancy by race and ethnicity in the United States. (suggested length: 200 words)
Explain how one political determinant of health (i.e. policy) plays a contributing role in the health inequalities observed by the different average life expectancy by race and ethnicity in the United States. (suggested length: 150 words)
Explain how two economic determinants of health plays a contributing role in the health inequalities observed by the different average life expectancy by race and ethnicity in the United States. (suggested length: 200 words)
Additional Background Information & Resources: 
We covered the determinants of health in Week 7 (Classes 13 & 14, and chapters 13 & 14). The following resources are offer other explanations of the different determinants of health. Remember, you should be more than just quoting from these sources, your responses should be in your own words.
The Gardener’s Tale, by Dr. Camara Jones:
CDC: This diagram of how determinants of health, like social, economic, and political factors, affect health and health inequities.
Graph from: 
Another good CDC page: 
County Health Rankings:
This website offers an interactive tool showing the different factors that affect population health outcomes within in the United States. I highly recommend watching the brief video here!
Here is a specific count health ranking page that offers excellent definitions and summaries of different social and economic determinants of health:
The Policies & Programs section of the same website is a good resource to help reinforce the policy or political determinants of health:
Healthy People 2030: One more resource with great explanations of determinants of health:  

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