In Unit 6-9 we discussed the effect that institutions have on the development of

April 3, 2024

In Unit 6-9 we discussed the effect that institutions have on the development of racial ideas, attitudes, and experiences. We specifically discussed the institutions of education, banking/wealth, policing, and housing and how they affect people of color in the United States. These are not individual experiences, the connections between all four institutions are deep and intertwined. In your final paper, explain the relationship between Education, Wealth, Housing, and Policing in relation to race. 
In your papers be sure to accomplish the following:
Explain the role of institutional racism in the United States.
Describe how these institutions are affected by Institutional Racism.
Explain how these institutions affect the daily lives of Americans, specifically pointing to the experiences of people of color and these institutions.
Based on your analysis, explain whether the issues of one institution directly or indirectly affect the others. Explain how if they do, or explain why they do not interact. 
Describe the effects these institutions have on your local environment.
Based on your analysis, propose solutions that address the intersection of all these issues rather than treating the symptoms. 
Due Date:
Your papers are due on April 5, 2024.
Late papers will NOT be accepted. 
What you will submit. 
You will submit a 1500 word essay as a Word document. 
This assignment is worth 40 points. 
Length (4 points): 1500 words
Cover page and works cited page do not count to the total word count. 
Formatting (4 points): Papers meet the following requirements:
12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial ONLY, double spaced, 1” margins, Cover Page, and works cited page
A template can be found here. 
Proofread (4 points): Papers have been proofread for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 
Citations (5 points): Papers use at least five citations from the ASSIGNED READINGS only. 
Answers (6 points): Papers answer all of the questions/instructions posted on the prompt. 
Evidence (7 points): Papers use relevant citations from the assigned readings to back up or defend the paper’s main argument
Argument (6 points): Papers show a clear, singular, and specific argument that addressed the questions posed in the prompt. 
Connections (4 points): Papers show a clear understanding of the material presented in the class in the Units covered by the paper.

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