Research Question: How do behavioral intervention facilities impact the socioemo

April 2, 2024

Research Question: How do behavioral intervention facilities impact the socioemotional development of children and adolescents?
You will need to develop a research question and provide a critical review of the literature related to the question. The body of the paper should be at least 8 pages (not including title page, abstract, or references). Your paper will be graded on APA style, content, comprehensive coverage, grammar and use of professional literature (i.e., the material must come from peer-reviewed articles; not web documents, trade magazines, brochures, etc.).
Some possible questions to consider when conducting the literature review for your paper are:
Does the research address the total problem? What are the “gaps” in knowledge? Why? What is not being researched?
Is your sample of articles representative of the literature in general? Or is your sample biased? Does your sample represent the entire literature? If not, how and why did you choose these articles for inclusion?
What professional group is doing the research? Where are they writing?
When did they start investigating this issues and why?
Is there consensus? Too much consensus? Is the literature redundant?
Any opposing views? By whom?
Is the research descriptive? Empirical? Anecdotal?
What are your conclusions?
Some hints: Choose your topic carefully so that you are neither overwhelmed with literature, nor faced with paucity. Start your library search early as articles may have to be ordered from interlibrary.
Suggested Journals and Resources (Alphabetical order): American Psychologist, APA Monitor, Clinical Psychologist, Community Mental Health Journals, Counseling Today, Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Journal of Counseling and Development, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, Psychological Abstracts, Psychological Bulletin, Psychology Today and Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
Summary grading rubric
Content (presentation of adequate evidence which demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic) ______15 points
Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling ______5 points
Organization and logical sequence of content in paper ______7 points
Use of person first language ______2 points
APA style (headings and citations throughout the paper) ______4 points
Use of third person ______2 points
Appropriate use of reference material _____3 points
Appropriate formatting of reference page ______2 points
Total Score ______40 points
In writing your paper, be careful to always give credit where it is due; thus please review the Avoiding Plagiarism Module within the course.
If you are not sure about your topic, please send it the professor for approval. As a general rule, the minimum number of sources to use in a research paper should match the number of pages of your research paper. That is to say that every page of a research paper must have one reference (not citations). So I expect at least 8 references written in APA style. Make sure your references are cited in your work also in APA style.

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