ou will submit a two- to three-page paper considering the questions in Sections

April 2, 2024

ou will submit a two- to three-page paper considering the questions in Sections III and IV of your Final Project. These sections concern the financial impact to WalmartCompany of implementing the environmental and social sustainability measures discussed in Milestone Three. While examining the financial sustainability forecast, discuss what impact emerging technologies or industry best practices will have on the environmental and social sustainability plans. Be sure to address how these will affect the overall plan, either positively or negatively.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Implications for Financial Sustainability
How could this environmental and social sustainability plan potentially affect the financial sustainability of walmart Company in the long term? Provide support for your explanation.
What are the implications of emerging technology or best practices for environmental and social sustainability on the financial bottom line to Walmart? How does this differ from the implications discussed earlier on your researched company? Provide supporting evidence for your answers.
How do the financial, social, and environmental plans at Walmart come together to represent the best practices of sustainability? How do the practices suggested in the environmental and social sustainability plan relate to the company you researched previously? Provide support for your answers.
How do you balance and remove conflict among all three aspects of the triple bottom line? For example, how do you ensure that your plans for environmental sustainability do not negatively impact your plans for financial and social sustainability? Provide support for your answers.
Outline key milestones that Walmart Company would need to meet to achieve the same level of environmental, social, and financial sustainability as your researched company based on the timeline that it took your researched company to achieve its current level of sustainability and your current knowledge of the triple bottom line.

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