You may choose ONE of the following books for the critical analysis: Melzer, Nil

April 2, 2024

You may choose ONE of the following books for the critical analysis:
Melzer, Nils. (2022). The Trial of Julian Assange. Verso Press 
Fowler, Andrew. (2020). The Most Dangerous Man in the World: Julian Assange and WikiLeaks’ Fight for Freedom, Melbourne University Press.
Slahi, Mohamedou O. (2015) Guantánamo Diary. Canon Gate.
Shephard, Michelle. (2008) Guantanamo’s Child: The Untold Story of Omar Khadr, Wiley.
Greenwald, Glenn. (2014). No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the US Surveillance State. Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt. 
Taibbi, Matt, (2019, paperback edition: 2021) Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another, OR Books.
Fowler, Andrew. (2018) Shooting the Messenger: Criminalizing Journalism (The Criminalization of Political Dissent), Routledge.
If you would like any additional information regarding whichever book you choose let me know, I will see if I have any sufficient notes I can send!

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