Develop a conclusion based on your data analysis and reference at least one arti

April 2, 2024

Develop a conclusion based on your data analysis and reference at least one article related to your data and/or conclusion. Your conclusion must be at least two paragraphs in length (minimum of 4-5 sentences per paragraph). The first paragraph must explain if your hypothesis is supported by your data and include at least one reason to explain why. The second paragraph must include a brief explanation of at least one article that relates to your data and/or conclusion and explain at least one source of error in the experiment that may affect the data and/or conclusion. Use the websites below or any reputable website to select an article to reference in your conclusion. Please note that reputable websites have web addresses that end with .edu, .gov, and .org. The article that is referenced must be at least two pages in length, and it must include data/statistics related to your conclusion. Please provide the title of the article and include the specific link to it.
According to my experiment, my data does not support my hypothesis that I walk at least 8,000 steps per day. From the 5-day experimental period, I walked on average 7735.2 steps per day. Scientists have concluded that more than 10,000 steps per day may be necessary to maintain a person’s weight. Prior to this experiment, I thought I walked enough steps to maintain my metabolism, but now I’m interested in how to increase my steps to maintain a healthy weight.
A collaborative study of 14 researchers established guidelines for the number of steps necessary for weight control. (Continue this paragraph with a brief explanation of the article and how it relates to the experimental data and/or conclusion. Please remember to include a brief explanation of at least one source of error in your experiment as well.)
What I have uploaded is the experiment that I did, please let me know if you have any questions.

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