Question 1: Select one of the myths about human trafficking you reviewed from th

March 31, 2024
  • Question 1: Select one of the myths about human trafficking you reviewed from the National Human Trafficking Hotline website and answer the following:
    • Describe the myth and fact in your own words. Before reviewing this resource, did you believe the myth to be true? Why do you think the myth you chose persists? [Answer in three to four complete sentences
  • Question 2: According to the section “Who is Most Vulnerable?” under “Recognizing the Signs,” people may be more vulnerable to trafficking if they have an unstable living situation, have run away, or are involved with the child welfare system. Answer the following:
    • Why do you think youth who are homeless or involved with the child welfare system are particularly vulnerable to trafficking? Do you think that youth crisis centers can prevent human trafficking? Explain. Provide at least one specific example (besides youth crisis centers) of a public health intervention that may prevent human trafficking among youth. [Answer in three to four complete sentences; Worth up to 4 points]
  • Question 3: Review this online resource from Polaris: GETTING IT RIGHT. MAKING IT MATTER. Telling the Real Story of Human Trafficking. Closely review Part 3: Real Storylines, which summarizes 15 real trafficking storylines: six labor trafficking stories and nine sex trafficking stories. Answer the following:
    • Were there any storylines that you would not have realized represented trafficking prior to completing this discussion? Why do you think it is important that these storylines highlight how the trafficking began, the coercion and control, and the exit? [Answer in two to four complete sentences; Worth up to 4 points]
  • Question 4: Finally, review the “Imagery” section covered on pages 26-28 of the Polaris resource. Examples of imagery that should not be used in anti-trafficking campaigns are provided – bar codes overlaid on a real person, images that suggest survivors are voiceless, hardware that suggests the physical constraint of victims, images that imply a human being is a commodity of any kind, images that depict humans as “meat”, images that only focus on body parts, and prison imagery. Answer the following:
    • Select one of these examples and explain why the use of this type of imagery should be avoided in anti-trafficking media campaigns. [Answer in two to four complete sentences; Worth up to 4 points]

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