Do not copy off ChatGPT and Any AI and use your own words and your own work. Ful

March 25, 2024

Do not copy off ChatGPT and Any AI and use your own words and your own work. Fully answer each question.

1) Discuss the different levels of the Social Ecological Model. Use the 4 levels that we use for the class. In your discussion include examples of a health behavior and how the theory would apply at each level. ( Answer should be 1.5 pages)

The 4 levels that will be used will be intrapersonal (or individual), Interpersonal (or relational), Community, and Policy (Societal). You will find the information in the document Lecture 2 Socio-ecological model Page 17 and Pages 11 -14).

2) Consider the Theory of Planned Behavior. How are each of the constructs different, and how are they all related to intention and behavior? ( Answer should be 1.5 pages)

The constructs that needs to be talked about is attitude, Subjective norms, Percieved control, intention to perform behavior and Behavior. You can find informations on this in the document lecture-3 theory of planned behavior page 11.

3) Explain the different stages of the stages of change theory – the ones discussed in class. Pick a health topic and show how you would stage someone at each level. ( Answer should be 1.5 pages)

The stages that needs to be discussed will be pre-contemplation, contemplation, Preparation, action, maintenance. You can find Information on this in the attached document lecture 4 change theory. Pages 13 and 14.

4) What is the underlying premise of social network theory? Explain some of the key analytic metrics discussed in class for the overall components of a network (Density, Centrality, homophily, and reciprocity). How can these relate to health behaviors? ( Answer should be 1.5 pages)

You can find information on attached document lecture 6, Social Network Theory, pages 16 – 27

5) Explain the 5 adopter categories from the DOI theory in your own words. How are these related to the communication channels within the diffusion of ideas? ( Answer should be 1.5 pages)

You can find information about this on the attached document Lecture 7 DOI page 25

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