Hi, I need you to do the lab report. the lab report should include purpose, mate

February 24, 2024

Hi, I need you to do the lab report. the lab report should include purpose, materials, and procedures, they all can be found in the textbook. I put the content of the textbook in “File 1”. You need to do three data tables, they are all in the textbook, and you can check them in the same file. Furthermore, you need CALCULATIONS: calculation of Rf value. QUESTIONS: #1-#5. FOLLOW-UP: #1-#3. The numbers you saw behind them, which means you need to according to the content of the book. You can also refer to the book’s content when you do the lab report. And also, you need to write CONCLUSION: talk about the unknown mixture. And the data I have already put it below in the form of the image (please note the notes on each image). Pay attention, for green coloring, the component colors are yellow and blue. For unknown mixture, the component colors are yellow, blue, and pink. Please write it seriously and carefully. Thank you!

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