Do more research on the company you have selected for the creation of your Compa

February 20, 2024

Do more research on the company you have selected for the creation of your Company Research PowerPoint Slides. Select a Chapter below and use the questions to help with your research or use a combination of questions from each Chapter below or you may develop your own set of three questions using the Learning Objectives from any Chapters covered so far to answer as it relates to your chosen company. Remember to give examples and let your boss know where and what pages you used by starting a list of references.
Chapter 12 Questions:
Which mode(s) of transportation does your company utilize? Where within the supply chain is each mode used?
What regulations or factors dictate the type of transportation your company utilizes?
Does your company utilize intermodal service? What are the two modes? Give an example.
Chapter 13 Questions:
Which carriers does your company employ for their transportation needs? Why?
Based on the cargo origin, destination, and type of transportation, which terms might exist in your company’s transport contracts?
What factors will determine the transportation rates offered to your company?
Chapter 14 Questions:
What countries might your company be sourcing from or delivering to? What are some macroenvironmental influences your company needs to be vigilant about to have an efficient international logistics operation?
What kind of INCOTERMS might your company use in their transportation contracts?
What methods of payment might your company require or allow for freight charges?
P/s: Please assign the writer U376135 for this order, this one is still SamSung company like order #560046634 and #559629854. I will attach 2 of your orders before so that you can understand easily.

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