What is the name of the site and where is it located

March 24, 2022

Based on your observations (in person or online) and research about a location, in this case a specific location within a wildernesses park, you are to write on the topics listed below. Some are easy and straightforward (e.g., Introduction, Setting), others require more thought and research (e.g., Climate, Plant communities).
• Any location not listed as an acceptable location must be pre-approved by me or face a 50% reduction in score
• Pick a location within the wilderness area, not the entire park
• Cite all of your sources within the document
• Do not plagiarize (including paraphrasing)
Write on the following topics:
1. Introduction: What is the name of the site and where is it located? What dates did you do your field research? 1 ¶
2. Setting: Before entering the area, take a look around. Describe the landscape in which this site is situated. 1 ¶
3. Weather: Describe the weather on the day of your visit. Then consult a weather website such as www.wunderground.com to place this weather in the context of the conditions prevailing that day. How does it tie in with the general weather patterns for the region and for the season? 1-2 ¶
4. Climate: What is the climate (including its characteristics, not just the name) of the region where the study site is situated? Is there a microclimate at the study site? Are their local conditions that differ from the general characteristics for this climate type? Please note that some online sources have incorrect climate data. For example Laguna Beach is not Csa, it is Csb, Bolsa Chica is not a desert, etc. 1-2 ¶
5. Plant Communities: Identify the principle plant communities to be found at your site. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each community and the dominate plant species of each. How do these plants reflect the climate of the region? Are there exotic (non-native) plant species? 2-3 ¶
6. Wildlife: What wildlife still resides in your study area? Are there any endangered species present? What has been their impact on the natural ecology of the site? How has this ecosystem changed from what it was 100 years ago? 1 ¶
7. Terrain/Geomorphology: Describe the specific terrain of your site. What landforms are present? What tectonic and gradational processes appear to be responsible for shaping the landscape? What material evidence can you find for these processes? 1-2¶
8. Local History: There is really no natural environment left in southern California that has not been touched somehow by human activity. What significant cultural and/or historic artifacts are present? A brief inquiry into the history of the locality will help you understand how this site came to be as you see it today. Myths and legends attached to a particular place can also reveal what earlier visitors saw in this place and the value the attached to it. 1-2¶

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