8 page film review on the movie “Precious”  that pertains to a topic addressed i

May 2, 2024

8 page film review on the movie “Precious”  that pertains to a topic addressed in this course (i.e. sexual violence, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, etc.) 
A brief description of the film viewed that highlights main points of the film as they relate to course content. 
The topic and form of violence addressed in the film and how it relates to course materials. This should include direct reference to the textbook and/or other scholarly sources.
Address the ways in which the film was and was not an appropriate representation of the violence that was represented according to current research and statistics that are available.
Address the systems (law enforcement, doctors, social workers, etc.) depicted in the film that either helped or hindered the progress of the client. If no systems exist in the film, please include the systems that should have been present to aid the client.
APA 7thth edition formatting, which includes a cover page, correct citations and references, spacing, and critical review for typological errors prior to submission.
Minimum 8 pages NOT including cover page or references.

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