6-8 minutes Organize this speech using one of the problem/solution patterns of o

May 6, 2024

6-8 minutes
Organize this speech using one of the problem/solution patterns of organization
Problem/solution (2 main points)
Problem/cause/solution (3 main points)
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (Problem/Solution/Action – 2 or 3 main points)
Provide sufficient evidence to prove the existence/relevance of the problem and to help support the solution
Evidence should be from unbiased, credible sources
Orally cite your sources often throughout (minimum of 6 separate sources)
Discuss possible objections to your stance
Balance ethos, pathos, and logos
Work to build credibility throughout with evidence, citing sources, and through your delivery
Use appropriate levels of emotional appeal
Avoid logical fallacies
Include an introduction covering the 5 objectives of intros
Attention getter
Reveal topic
Establish credibility
Relate topic to audience
Preview main points
Include a conclusion covering the 3 objectives of conclusions
Signal the end
Briefly restate the problem and solution
End with impact/call to action
Include clear transitions from section-to-section and between main points
Use signposts, internal previews, and summaries
Submit a formal, full-sentence outline (use the outline template found in the Files section of Canvas)
APA format!
12 pt. Font
Double spaced
Cover page
Running headers
A minimum of 6 sources should be cited in APA format in-text and in a reference page attached to your outline
At least 1 of your sources must be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles
A multimedia visual aid (Prezi, Google Docs) is required
At least 2 different types of visual aids should be included
Please make sure to follow the guidelines for preparing and presenting professional multimedia presentations

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