1200 words. on the Magna Carta. Must use Magna Carta as primary source (cite at

July 1, 2024

1200 words. on the Magna Carta. Must use Magna Carta as primary source (cite at least 2 times). https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/magnacarta.asp
Must use a minimum of 3 additional secondary sources and cite at least 3 times each. I already have 2 of these that must be incorporated. Must find at least a 3rd one. 
I started the intro to get my tone of voice. Feel free to edit as needed. 
A pivotal moment in medieval
British history was the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215. This was the first document
to be put in writing with the idea that the king was not above the law. It was
a peace agreement between King John and the barons following the Baron’s

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