12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins • Title page with the following

May 16, 2024

12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins
• Title page with the following information: Student’s name, title of project, a key image  from the project, names of advisor and reader(s) (Advisor: Dr. Wingfield, Readers: Dr. 
Stephenson, Gary Lennon), word count, and Kennesaw State University School of Art 
and Design 
Senior Capstone Project in Art History
• Chicago style citations (follow the style of the Art Bulletin, or of the American Journal 
of Archeology for ancient topics, which uses
an author/date version of the U.C. style—see “Research and Writing Information”)
• Footnotes or endnotes
• Numbered pages
• Illustrations placed within the paper with appropriate captions is preferred or at the 
end of the paper, before the bibliography
My paper topic and research is outlined in my presentation that I will share in the 
dropbos below. Excuse the informalness of the script notes in the presentation. The 
information is valid but it was written as a script that I presented to a classroom of 40 
Sources used so far:
Thomas Cole’s Journey Atlantic Crossings – Elizabeth Mankin Jornhauser and Tim 
Thomas Cole Landscpe into History – William H. Truettner and Alan Wallach 
Thomas Cole Drawn to Nature 

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