1000-1500 words (4-6 pages of text-double spaced). The reference list does not c

May 18, 2024

1000-1500 words (4-6 pages of text-double spaced). The reference list does not count.
Double spaced, standard fonts, and margins   
Include at least one map
Include at least one associated graphic, such as a table, a photo, or a graph
Need to include a minimum of 4 college level sources properly cited.  (in-text citations and the corresponding reference list). Sources must be from a credible source, and academic in nature.  (no Wikipedia, etc.)
Make sure the paper is as objective and as academic as possible. Academic writing should be in the third person (not the first person). The reader should not be able to tell what the authors opinion of the topic is. It should start with a thesis statement and then expert/credible sources should be quoted and examined in order to prove the thesis statement. An easy way to tell if it is the first person is if the word ‘I’ is in the paper.
Use the Sample Research Paper  Download Sample Research Paperas a guide for formatting, in-text citations and  bibliography questions. You can also use the APA formatting template  Download APA formatting templateas a guide. Please feel free to use any reference style you are the most comfortable with, however, please do not use footnotes or headers as they do not work well with Turnitin. 
The organization of the paper should generally follow the research paper outline submitted earlier.
Review the Research Paper Rubric Download Research Paper Rubricand use it as a guide while completing your assignment.
Make sure the file name includes your name (last, underscore, first) then “Paper.” For example: I would name the file, Walsh_Michelle Paper 
Submitting the Paper:
On the Research Paper Assignment page click on the ‘upload submission’ link and submit your paper.  Your paper will then be automatically uploaded to Turnitin.  Shortly after submitting your paper you will see a link to the originality report generated from Turnitin for your paper. 
Please note that this paper can be submitted multiple times, this will allow students to take advantage of the Turnitin tools, including the grammar and plagiarism checking tools (GradeMark). Please take advantage of this option by submitting a draft, or two, and then making the changes before submitting your final draft.
I will be grading the final submission after the due date has ended. Therefore, no papers will be graded until after the due date has passed.
Papers with more than a 15% originality match to any one source, or an overall score of 30% or higher from all sources, will not be accepted and will need to be re-written, and re-submitted.
If you are interested in how Turnitin works, please see Turnitin’s website.
Submit your final draft before the due date. It must be either a  .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
Note the due date for this assignment. There are several phases of the Research Paper process so be sure to stay on schedule. 
Sample Research Paper- DeforestationDownload Deforestation
APA Template- APA Template for studentsDownload APA Template for students
Virtual Library- The Coastline Virtual Library offers easy access to research materials.
Writing Guide- Essay Writing Links to an external site.
Plagiarism-  Plagiarism is not acceptable and can result in a zero grade. What is Plagiarism?  Links to an external site.
Grammar Guide:
OWL Purdue Writing LabLinks to an external site.
Turnitin Information:
The Research Paper must be written in your own words. Turnitin checks for similarity to sources of information found on the internet, and from previously submitted student papers.  A high similarity percentage usually means that information has been copied directly from an internet source or another student’s paper. 
Word Limits:
Research Paper:  Responses that are over or under the required word limits will not earn full points (please see the rubric for more details).   Word limits reflect the level of detail required for an assignment.  They are also designed to keep responses clear and concise.   If the paper is too long:  first check to see if it is possible to shorten portions of it (make it more concise), then look for awkward sentences or paragraphs that can be made clearer and more precise.  (that should help to lower your word count)
If it is still too long, it most likely includes too much detail.  You may need to revise your paper in order fit within the word limits by removing some of your subtopics.  The final draft should comprehensively cover your chosen topic within the limits.
If the paper is too short, it does not include enough information.  If you have already comprehensively covered all of your subtopics, you may need to add another subtopic.
I have set up the research paper assignment submission through Turnitin.  After you submit your paper you will be able to access your paper in Turnitin.  Turnitin includes a grammar checker and a plagiarism checker.   I highly recommend using the grammar check and making changes as needed.   You will be able to make changes and resubmit your paper until the assignment closes.  Please take advantage of this option.

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