(1) What racial themes/narratives, presented in Chapter 1 of Chasing the Scream,

July 3, 2024

(1) What racial themes/narratives, presented in Chapter 1 of Chasing the Scream, were employed by Anslinger to justify the expansion of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics? What non-racial themes/narratives were used? You should make explicit reference to Chasing the Scream content (quoted and / or paraphrased) and cite the exact page number/numbers where you found this.
(2) Bring in content covered in Chapter 1 of the textbook (Mosher & Akins, 2021), which addresses including similar strategies used during later years (by those other than Anslinger)…provide a clear explanation of that material and cite this.
(3) Find material online, article etc. that taps into these issues and comment on it, including a hyperlink as a reference for others including your instructor to go review.
material pdf is linked

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