1 .Selection of example situation for analysis. Meaning different kinds of issue

May 2, 2024

1 .Selection of example situation for analysis. Meaning different kinds of issues and provides plenty of complexity for analysis.Remember the way a situation is described enables the reader to see the complexity.
2. Identification of relevant issues. Describes the example situation.Explanis the facts.Identifies all relevant “lenses’ ethical,legal,and regulatory,and so on. Shows completeness in thought process applied to identifying relevant lenses.
3.Assessment of relevant issues.Meaning explains how the lenses apply(what would a utilitarian assessment say,what would a Kantian evaluation say. Explains legal and regulatory views perhaps corporate culture of the issues at stake. Takes stakeholders into account 
Indicates which values,legal obligations, ethical perspectives seem most compelling and why
4. Recommend decision and supporting arguments. Meaning Recommends a resolution to the situation (for example,Sally x,y and z) Explains reasons for this decision, in spite of the reasons against this decision acknowledges both sides)
5. Written communication. Meaning is clearly written and articulate. Use of language reflects nuances in the complex situation.
6. Follows all formatting instructions completely 

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