1. I have attached documents with all the information required.  2. Please refer

June 13, 2024

1. I have attached documents with all the information required. 
2. Please refer first to the Document labelled “QUESTION PAPER” as it has the requirements of the essay.
3. Thereafter, please refer to the Word document labelled “STRUCTURE TO FOLLOW…” as it has all the headings and subheadings, as well as the student’s case study and theory chosen to be used.  It also has information about referencing and font style and size, please refer to that
4. I added documents with all the information for each of the points in the essay: feminist pathways; CJS responses; processing and sentencing; supervision, etc. 
5. I added information about the case study, but additional research must be included on everything
6. Lastly, I added an example of an essay I wrote. Please follow a similar style of writing including the way I in-text references in the paragraphs. The example essay includes some of the information that can be used for the feminist approach point.
7. Reference list required

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