1. After completing the simulation and reviewing your results, reflect on how yo

May 5, 2024

1. After completing the simulation and reviewing your results, reflect on how you made decisions and see if you can identify any trends in your approach: (A) What did you learn about how you make decisions based on your simulation experience? Did you make decisions consistent with the relative importance of the priorities you noted in the “pre-survey”? (B) What trends and patterns do you see in your typical decision-making processes during the simulation? What types of trade-off decisions seemed most easy to make? Most difficult to make? Why? (This can be answered in two to three paragraphs)
2. Identify and describe two take-aways, insights, or questions raised for you based upon the simulation experience that might be helpful to you going forward when making real life decisions regarding the four life priorities examined here: work, personal relationships, self-care, and social impact. (This can be answered in one to two paragraphs)
3. Ruth Chang: How to make hard choices | TED TalkLinks to an external site.
Watch the TED talk above (this talk is also listed in the module). How does Ruth Chang differentiate between an “easy choice” and a  “hard choice”? How does this talk suggest we think about making a “hard choice”? (Can be answered in one paragraph)
Paul Catchlove: The habit that could improve your career | TED TalkLinks to an external site.
Watch the above talk by Paul Catchlove (this talk is also listed in the module).  What does he suggest for people to help make better decisions? How can information from this talk be useful to you moving forward to help build you capacity for making decisions in real life?  (Can be answered in one paragraph)

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