1. Abstract (Contains a brief description of the paper)  A. Maximum 100 words  B

June 30, 2024

1. Abstract (Contains a brief description of the paper) 
A. Maximum 100 words 
B. Only 1 paragraph 
C. 3 keywords separated by commas 
2. Introduction (Brief background on the issue to be written about, as well as a statement of the problem that requires explanation and answers) 
A. Citation using in text citation/text note/body note. 
B. Maximum 3 paragraphs 
3. Discussion (Analysis of the issues raised in an argumentative manner, logical interpretation, and linking to relevant references). 
A. Citation using in texy citation/text note/body note.
4. Conclusion (Contains a brief summary) 
A. Maximum 2 paragraphs 
5. Reference 
A. Writing references alphabetically according to the author’s last name.
B. The font used is Calibry (Body) 11, written with justify space 1.
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