you will compose a scholarly paper that explores five topics relating to informa

May 5, 2024

you will compose a scholarly paper that explores five topics relating to information systems utilized by management in today’s global On-Demand economy. Before you begin to develop your paper, you will select five IS-related solutions from the list provided in this activity.
Working on this Research Project paper will help you better understand the Information Systems (ISs) managers frequently use in various types of organizations. You will also enhance your professional growth by researching five IS-related solutions using primary sources outside of the course textbook.
Summary of Steps
Select five (5) solutions from the thirteen (13) choices provided in the blue box titled IS-Related Solutions List.
Download the APA Style Template (DOCX).Download APA Style Template (DOCX).
Edit the template following the instructions in this assignment.
Delete the embedded tips and notations from your final copy of the document before submitting.
Submit your document for grading.
Note: You must select your five (5) IS-related solutions from the list below.
Digital Dashboard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Decision Support System (DSS)
Cloud Computing
Database Management System (DBMS)
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
Electronic Records Management (ERM)
Mobile Infrastructure
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Transportation Management System (TMS)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
The document that you submit for this project submission should consist of only the following:
Page 1: Title page with the page number in the upper right corner.
Page 2: Body of the Text Page with only the title of your paper centered in bold at the top and the list of your five IS-related solutions immediately followed by the centered word “Conclusion” in bold font Note: The Conclusion section does NOT have its own separate page.
Page 3: Reference List page with only “References” bolded and centered without quotation marks.
Title Page (Page 1): Page one of your ‘barebones’ template is a properly formatted APA style Title Page. The Title Page contains the title of your paper, centered, bolded, and in title case. The page number is placed at the upper right-side location. The page numbers will be included on every page in the same manner as presented on the title page.
Body of Text Page (Page 2): Page three of your template should contain the title of the paper, bold and centered, a list of the titles of the five IS-related solutions that you selected from the thirteen IS-related solutions provided below, and immediately followed by the centered word “Conclusion” in bold font in the Body of Text page.
Conclusion Section: Center the word “Conclusion” in bold font after the list of the five IS-related solutions that you selected on the body of text page. You will fill in the conclusion data when you finish composing the final draft of your document in the last research project assignment.
Reference List Page (Page 3): Only the centered word “References” (in bold font) is presented on this page in this assignment.

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