Review the research article, Tsoukas, V., Gkogkidis, A., Kampa, A., Spathoulas,

May 4, 2024

Review the research article, Tsoukas, V., Gkogkidis, A., Kampa, A., Spathoulas, G., & Kakarountas, A. (2022). Enhancing Food Supply Chain Security through the Use of Blockchain and TinyML. Information, 13(5), 213.
The activity requires you to submit a critical analysis. Limit the general discussion to the minimum. Review at least three other articles related to the topic and include them in your discussion. Relate the topics covered from the textbook (David,
P. A. (2021). International Logistics: The
Management of International Trade Operations. Berea: Cicero
Books) . Then, relate the relevant sub-competencies (at the advanced level) from the Supply Chain Capability Model (PDF) Download Supply Chain Capability Model (PDF)of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) to your analysis. References at the end of the paper and citations in the body of the paper need to mirror each other. Include citations from the textbook, ISM’s Supply Chain Capability Model, and all the articles you reviewed for the analysis. 

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