Instructions: Turn off your computer. Then turn on your computer, and quickly pr

June 18, 2024

Turn off your computer. Then turn on your computer, and quickly press a special key (computer manufacturer and model specific) to stop at the BIOS user interface.
For Windows 10 computers, press the F12 key. For earlier Windows computers it could be the F8 key.
For Mac computers, press and hold CMD, OPT, “O” and “F” (OF stands for ‘open firmware’). The CMD key has an apple on it and the OPT key is in the same position as the ALT key on a PC keyboard. Enter commands when the prompt “0 >” loads on the screen.
Many newer machines use the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) which has replaced the BIOS interface. It still performs essentially the same functions.
Submit your responses to Q2 through Q5 as an MS Word document or as a PDF file. The photos taken for Q1 can be embedded in that document, or they can be submitted as individual files.
Q1: Use your phone to take several photos of the various screens. You should include all visible menu options. The purpose is to help you understand what you can do using the BIOS user interface.
Q2: If you want to boot from a CD instead of a hard disk or an SSD, how would you change your BIOS configuration?
Q3: If you want to disable the CD and the USB drives, how would you change your BIOS configuration?
Q4: If you want to prevent anyone from changing your BIOS settings and setting a password, what BIOS configuration would you change?
Q5: How would you boot into Safe Mode? If your system does not allow this, what would be the reason?

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