On December 29, 1970, President Nixon signed into law the Occupational Safety an

May 17, 2024

On December 29, 1970, President Nixon signed into law the Occupational Safety and Health Act, sometimes known as the OSH Act or OSHA (29 U.S.C. 651 to 678), with the intention of enhancing workplace safety and health in both the private sector and the federal government.
OSHA is a division of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health serves as OSHA’s administrator. The Secretary of Labor, a member of the President of the United States cabinet, is whom OSHA’s administrator reports to.
Employers are required under the OSH Act to create a workplace that is free of known dangers or, if this is not possible, to take steps to reduce the likelihood of sickness, injury, or death. Additionally, the Act expands employees’ rights and gives the Occupational Safety and Health Administration the authority to take enforcement action against businesses that are not in compliance.
OSHA, or “The Occupational Safety and Health Administration,” is a government organization that develops workplace safety safeguards for employees. OSHA standards occasionally have a poor image, yet they are essential for the safety of our workers. OSHA plays a crucial role in our economy by avoiding occupational illnesses and injuries that might otherwise strain the healthcare system and result in thousands of workers and their families’ losing income.
You are to create a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation detailing the following information:
OSHA’s History and Mission
OSHA Standards
Employer Responsibilities
Worker’s Rights/Responsibilities
Enforcing Standards
Reporting Safety Hazards
Whistleblower Protections
OHSA Violations and Fines Examples
This presentation should focus on one company that has been fined in the North Florida area. Include in your slide the cause of the fines and how much they were. You can find this information on OSHA’s official website under the “Enforcement” tab or from Enforcement Cases with Initial Penalties of $40,000 or Above.
Your PowerPoint must include a title and reference page. The slide show must automatically progress. Once opened, it should automatically advance to the next slide. The PowerPoint must be presented with an audio recording detailing the information within each slide. List only the information needed on the slide to gain your audience’s attention. Detailed information about each slide should be presented within your audio recording. The presentation should last no shorter than five minutes and no longer than ten minutes. Additionally, presenter notes should be included at the bottom of each slide and mimic the audio recording to meet ADA accommodations. All graphics, pictures, and charts must be cited and listed on the reference page. Review the Occupational Safety and Health Administrationwebsite.

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