Locate a peer-reviewed article (related to the course content: Advanced Business

May 12, 2024

Locate a peer-reviewed article (related to the course content: Advanced Business Logistics) published within the last 12 months in a peer-reviewed journal from the online library. Do not summarize the article. Evaluate the information presented in the article. 
Introductory — Discuss the author’s thesis. Include article and author name in this paragraph. -1 paragraph
The Facts – discuss three important facts the author uses to support thesis. – 3 paragraphs
Explain or correlate the facts with facts from course content. – another 3 paragraphs or put in the facts from the article slides
Use in text citation from course reading to show connections to this article.
Evaluate the resources provided with the article. – 1 paragraph
Are their resources provided with the article? Are they recent? – 1 to 2 paragraphs
Strengths /Weaknesses/Discussion to the profession – Describe the strengths of the information presented as it applies to the professions. Critically evaluate the information in the article.- up to 3 paragraph
Is there bias or faulty reasoning? Evaluate the information for truth. – 1 to 2 paragraph
Bring in outside sources to support your analysis and review. – 1 paragraph
What are others saying about the same topic? – 1 paragraph
You must support claims of both fact and faulty reasoning. – 1 paragraph
Conclusions – Provide concluding remarks regarding your review/evaluation of the article. – 1 paragraph

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